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“Glow with ENERGY” for Christmas

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For the third time, the nationwide competition “Shine with ENERGY” has started. As part of this year's edition, there is a Plebiscite of Cities and a photo competition in four categories. The originator and initiator of the action is the ENERGA Group and the organizer of this year's edition is the Ideacto agency.

As part of the Plebiscite of Cities, Internet users vote for the most beautifully lit city in Poland. Photos of festive city illuminations are evaluated, you can vote through the Facebook application at www.facebook.com/swiecsie and through the official website of the action www.swiecsie.pl. The plebiscite was divided into 2 stages: the voivodship and the national final. Until January 2, 2012, you can choose the most beautiful cities of individual voivodships. Then, until January 15, the most beautiful urban Christmas illuminations will be selected from among the finalist cities.

Ideacto Agency has created an application and a website, as well as communication on Facebook and the competition website swiecsie.pl. Neuron PR Agency is responsible for the competition's media relations and cooperation with cities.

In addition to voting in the Plebiscite, Internet users have a chance to win valuable prizes (including iPad 2, 3D TV, DSLR) in individual competitions — the total prize pool is PLN 50,000. “My Home”, “My City”, “CreAction!” is a chance to show off your photographic skills and convey the festive atmosphere in your photos. All competitions are supervised by Ideacto, and the agency also managed to acquire a new Partner for this year's edition — Praktiker. Thanks to this, Internet users can take part in another competition — for the best photos of Christmas decorations purchased from Praktiker.

The organizers of the action are counting on the success of this year's edition and the involvement of as many Internet users as possible. The bar is set high last year, more than 260 thousand users joined the fun. The activities were also appreciated for their effective promotion. Competition “Light up for the holidays — with ENERGY!” was the winner of the Impactor 2010 award, the action won in the category Custom Marketing Project of the Year 2010. In addition, the project was distinguished in the Golden Clips competition in the category Corporate PR.

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