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ux thursday

UX Thursday #102

Illustration of, laptop, notebook, person reading

Today we celebrate the feast of the two messengers of spring! Although we have yet to wait until its beginning, many are eagerly awaiting it. The world's most famous groundhog, Phil from Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, will once again tell Americans how long winter will last. Europe also has its own marker of spring, which is today's Bear Day and its potential exit from the burrow that heralded the end of winter. Today, however, these two individuals herald something else - another UX Thursday, and in it, among other things, about the death of UX, coding by designers, the phenomenon of group thinking, introverted design and ways to make a good project brief.

The death of UX?

There are times when thoughts and concerns about AI entering the world of design are very vivid. Kristian Mikhel in his article describes, which according to his analyzes is the key to salvation for the entire industry. The author explored in depth the history of design, design education, UX philosophy, and the pitfalls of the current technology industry. His interesting conclusions you will find in the article, and in the meantime, remember UX Designers - “AI will not steal your job and will not burn your house.”

Should a designer be able to code?

Filip Grynic in his article took several current job offers to the workshop and came to one conclusion - a UX designer is the sum of small details and design decisions from a wide range, and additional knowledge of the rules of page coding will certainly allow him to make even more accurate diagnoses. Is this the way for experienced designers, or maybe something that will allow newbies to stand out? If you are bothered by these issues, we invite you to read this post.

The phenomenon of group thinking

The Nielsen Norman Group has published an interesting article on the phenomenon of group thinking. Does cooperation always have to end in one chosen path? How much can our natural need to reach consensus threaten alternative, unique ideas? Often, this kind of thinking results in making bad decisions. In the article you will find a list of common symptoms of group thinking and ways to prevent it.

Introverted design

In our highly extroverted world, where being louder and more visible than a competitor is the foundation of functioning, some may feel the need to dock for a moment and catch their breath. Pratik Joglekar writes about a design process inspired by introverted traitsproducts that will help build a highly functional and minimalist product. Let's observe the environment, listen first, then speak and be critical.

How to write a good project brief?
We write a lot about the design process itself, but sometimes it is worth returning to its beginning. The project brief is a key element that allows you to correctly direct the design process from the very beginning. Well-created guidelines will avoid potential communication problems and poorer performance. UX Pin has created a list of the most important questionswhich should be asked at the beginning of each project. If you are facing new design challenges, we encourage you to check and supplement your briefs with missing elements.

Plugin that will help in maintaining a clean System Design
Finally, we would like to recommend you a plugin that is sure to make life easier for developers of extensive design systems. Design Lint will check for you deficiencies in the cooling of the elements and indicate them precisely. It finds mismatched styles such as fonts, colors, shadows, fills, strokes, etc. You can choose what to improve and be sure that the design files you pass to other members of your teams will always be consistent.

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