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ux thursday

UX Thursday #14?

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After a short holiday break, we return with a portion of curiosities from the industry. Today there will be a little to listen to, read and more. We have a look at Wojtek Kutyła's blog, where Bartek Jagniątkowski discusses the responsibility of the designer at guest appearances. Tomasz Skórski talked to Mateusz Waligórski about designing for e-commerce. We also recommend an article about pop-ups prepared by Norman Nielsen Group, a very cool service designer toolkit from Greenhat Innovation and a summary of Duolingo's user retention analysis.

And as a curiosity, we will add that in addition to Independence Day in the USA, today we celebrate World Milk Day and Hot Dog Day 😉

1. Podcast: Ecommerce Design. Interview with Mateusz Waligórski

In conversation with Mateusz Waligórski, Tomasz Skórski discusses the design of e-commerce stores, data analysis and... postal codes.

2. Framework: Service Design Tools

The designers at Greenhat Innovation have created a neat toolbox that is extremely useful in the service design process. Each of the tools has been described, provided with instructions and comments - nothing to read and apply in practice!

3. Pop-up popup uneven

How do pop-ups not bother the user and achieve the intended goal? Specialists from the Norman Nielsen Group suggest a number of examples, how to make pop-ups as unobtrusive as possible for website visitors.

4. “Primum non nocere” or “first do no harm”

On Wojtek Kutyła's blog You will find a guest article by Bartek Jagniątkowski about responsibility in design. Why are we running away from her? What can we do to make it become common sense? Check it out!

5. Duolingo under the magnifying glass of Growth.Design

The experts at Growth.Design decided to take a closer look at the Duolingo application and the retention of its users. The tests were carried out on a “modest” sample of 300 million people, and the result is to detail the 8 main ways in which the customer is attached to the application.

We remind you that if you would like to share with us interesting links from the world of UX, send your proposals to newsletter@ideacto.pl, and we will be happy to share them in the next UX Thursdays. [FM_form id=” 1″]

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