The weather recently fits into a falling holiday, that is... or maybe decode them yourself — we have hidden the tips in the list of links and their descriptions. Especially for you, we have mixed pop-up texts about the specializations of UX designers and the role of storytelling on mobile sites. We have added a measure of remarks about the conspicuousness of design errors. We added a lot of mandatory reading. Health!
1. UX Designer Pathways
We start with text Yu Siang Teo of the Interaction Design Foundation, which undertook to classify the typical roles of UX designers. Here you will find a description of the individual specializations in a comparison with the stages of the design process.
2. Books worth returning to
Refreshed reading list must-haves served by Summer Ye. Don't be tempted to spend hours wandering around bookstores — most of the publications presented are supplemented with a link to a free PDF.
3. The role of narrative in brand presentation
In Smashing Magazine you will find commodity about building a brand's relationship with its customers through engaging storytelling. Suzanne Scacca explores the topic using the example of several mobile sites from a certain industry.
4. Advantages of (non) successful projects
When creating a prototype, you will sometimes look at the website. It caught our eye entry Gaby Kenyon on one of the main advantages of prototyping — testing ideas together. It is possible that after reading you will look a little differently at the potential of design failures.
5. The main thing is that they comment
We know that constructive criticism helps to look at the effect of your work from a new perspective. We noticed that the new logo of the US Space Force has recently undergone a massive (not always benevolent) evaluation. In Design Week, this project became an opportunity to share substantive remarks on the creation of a visual identity.
We remind you that if you would like to share with us interesting links from the world of UX, send your proposals to, and we will be happy to share them in the next UX Thursdays. [FM_form id=” 1″]