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ux thursday

UX Thursday #71

Illustration of, laptop, notebook, person reading

The weather may not be optimal, but what to do when No Socks Day falls in October. If you have saved yourself the frustrating search for a pair for a lonely sock today, you have more time to read the texts from our compilation. Read about the psychological concepts behind design and ways to increase accessibility and find inspiration when designing interfaces. There was no shortage of UX designer ethics and reading suggestions.

Psychology and web design

Alina Belascu presentures psychological mechanisms used in the design of websites of online stores. The author talks about individual concepts and their proper application in the realization of business goals, but above all to satisfy the needs of customers. In this context, it is also worth listening to the voice of the editorial staff of The Conversation, which points out the problems associated with the spread of dark design patterns. IN text Examples include influencing user decisions about time, money or sharing their data.

Two lessons of interface accessibility

On the blog of the Baymarda Institute Alex Krzyminski discusses selected linking practices that should be applied to e-commerce sites to ensure their accessibility. In turn, the Bloomberg UX team describes an interface design and implementation process that takes into account the needs of users with color vision impairments.

Inspiration from the classics

Eric Karkovack prompts designers, where to look for inspiration for intuitive, useful interfaces. The author recalls games remembered from childhood, sharing his impressions about the chosen solutions and looking for analogies between the design of classic video games and modern websites.

Design based on good intentions

Column Sarah Pagliaccio of UXMatters discusses ethical issues in the UX industry and the impact of tech giants on users of their products. The text includes, among others, considerations on setting boundaries in the design process (on the model of Asimov's laws). It can be supplemented by another commodity The Conversation team, which presented the findings of a survey conducted in the United Kingdom, aimed to assess the knowledge and skills of users of digital platforms in the context of sharing their data on the web.

Readings for the UX Designer

Finally, two suggestions for the autumn reading list. Abby Covert presents her itinerary following information architecture issues (in the description you will find free access to the online version of the book), and Nick Lawrence shares his observations on the relationship between user experience and product perception, in reviews books on positioning by April Dunford.

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