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Ideacto carried out the implementation campaign of a new product of the Balneum Baby Basic brand

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The focus of the campaign was an innovative product against diaper rash in infants — Balneum Baby Basic Poop Cream with the addition of zinc, which dries the skin, creating an effective but permeable protective layer, and panthenol, which helps soothe irritation and promotes wound healing. The aim of the campaign was to launch the product and build its image as a universal product with dual action, while further expanding the awareness of the Balneum brand.

The campaign included a number of activities carried out through various channels. In the Balneum Baby Basic website Caregnacjadziecka.pl published expert content concerning the care of the baby's skin, including interview with a pediatric doctor. At the same time, on the brand's Facebook pages — Pielegnacjadziecka.pl and Rock'n'Rollowy Tata — product communication was carried out as part of discussions with users and competitions dedicated separately to moms and dads. The campaign also included buzz marketing on forums, blogs and social media sites. Poop Cream joined the Balneum Baby Basic series on product page and has been introduced to pharmacies, including nine of the ten largest in Poland.

The summary of the campaign was the development of guides: “How to care for a baby's bottom?” (for moms) and “Swaddling the baby step by step” (for fathers). The guides will be available for download in PDF format at http://pielegnacjadziecka.pl/mama/ and http://pielegnacjadziecka.pl/tata/.

The task of the interactive agency Ideacto was both the preparation of the campaign project on the Internet and its comprehensive implementation.

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