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Why do supermarkets and discounters use mobile apps?

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Do you remember going to a supermarket in 2000? Shopping list written on a small note in your pocket, rolled up like a ticket in public transport or folded into an even square (depending on the mood). It had everything my family could tell us. The rest was in our hands - after all, no one will call a cell phone that is not there. In the other pocket, a wallet with cash and on the road, where the developing infrastructure did not allow to bypass the cherished American restaurant from under the yellow “M” sign. Finally, the supermarket. Such a large barrack dotted with colorful brands in those days was really something (in 2000 the first hundred supermarkets in Poland touched down). The legendary Frugo and the Lift drink reigned on the grocery shelves, and Dosia powder “entered all white.” Everything in one place, everything seemed cheaper than at Mrs. Krysa around the corner, everything smelled of modernity.

And now? Now Poland has discounts, chain stores, delicatessens and super- and hypermarkets. So the competition is high, and the printed newspapers themselves, which end up rolling around in the parking lot in front of the store, no longer always cope. During this time, reality has changed and customers have changed. But if the store didn't have to wait for someone to graciously choose his to buy coffee for breakfast, pasta for dinner and wine for the evening, he could just walk up to the customer and throw “Hey! Today we have a promotion for your favorite yogurt with strawberries - if you are not in your city, we will show you the way to another store of our chain”? What are mobile applications from.

Even more super (markets)

In its mobile application, Carrefour has bet on significant discounts for selected groups - Family and Senior cards, that is, groups that most easily fall into the routine of habits and shop in the same place - since once it was convenient at Carrefour, the French giant made sure to permanently fit into their daily schedule and offers them the My Carrefour application. However, in the application of this market, it did not decide to go into E-commerce, as Tesco did. The British can boast of their mobile application, which in a way set new trends in the industry. With ePurchases we can select the products on our smartphone and order their delivery to your home. Rather, with young people in mind — singles, couples, families from big, busy cities.

Exclusive Apps

Delicatessen is associated with high quality, which we can get for an equally high price. And that is why for a long time now, such a Piotr i Paweł has rather sadly looked out the window as his former customers flick through the city with advertising cards of Biedronka or Lidl. However, the Peter and Paul app is quite carefully staffed with amenities, and special attention is drawn to the ability to scan at home the QR code of a product that we are already running out of, which automatically adds it to our shopping list - to do in Peter and Paul of course.

Discounters invite to each other

However, nowadays it is no longer supermarkets, but discounters that shine in everyday shopping. For example, such Lidl has indeed found itself excellently in a changing market. We go in — our wallet keeps an eye on every price we encounter, and we walk around Lidl's market, float on the aroma of fresh bread from the bakery, check the calendar which cuisine will visit here next week, so that each dinner is special. Germany, like Germany, in its apps They kept it simple — so there is no online store or recipes, but newspapers, promotions, shopping lists and signposts to the nearest store are known from other platforms. The recipes can be found in the app Ladybugs, which emphasizes the quality of Polish products waiting on the shelves in the store.

It can be seen that for these two discounters, their mobile platforms are only a preview of real purchases - such a juicy steak shown behind the glass... of the smartphone screen. And if we want to break into this juicy steak, we have to visit the store. And maybe, by the way, buy some other little things, which until the last moment at the checkout will throw themselves under our feet.

Customer available on the phone

How to make sure that the next time the customer does not shop with the competition, but with us? It is best to give him an application that will show the latest promotions, prepare a shopping list, which he will also share with other family members and lead him to the store by the hand or allow him to make purchases on the phone. And so, when a customer puts products in their cart, the store adds another loyal, satisfied customer to their cart.

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