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to know how

Online food sales and user experience

Illustration of, laptop, notebook, person reading

The marching cats are playing. Forks and knives pounce on hungry melodies. Fingers tap on the top of an empty table. And all the rumbling bellies — they wait. Where's that pizza delivery guy? Anybody. As for Mr. Sandwich—where are the suppliers? The real ones... Eagles, falcons, heroes... Where's the food?

Through the stomach to the heart

A hungry man is a nervous man — one who, instead of smearing garlic sauce on a flavorful pizza he got too late, will smear us with a review in which he smears us from top to bottom — from the kitchen to the courier. And even if he does not write it officially, then by word of mouth, word of mouth, such an opinion will drag us through the whole city, like the smell of durian - because, well, that tasty, since the delivery left such a stench behind.

Please the atmosphere of the premises, take away

Now that pizza has landed on our table, let's take a look at how the user experience looks on Domino's Pizza (https://www.dominospizza.pl/) It is worth taking an example from them. From the menu on the website, we choose our favorite type of pizza and all the other goodies. We also take into account possible discounts. We order - the machine goes full steam. A window appears on the screen where we can preview how our first bite is approaching. Almost, like a loading bar. We also immediately receive telephone feedback, in which one of the employees confirms the order and calculates the expected delivery time. The courier arrives almost on time - he is nice, and this is not so obvious. Meanwhile, he is the only person who shows himself to us live from the restaurant and with his face we identify the brand. The original box was signed by the author of the pizza — thanks to this we feel that this particular pizza was prepared especially for us. Thanks!

Taste is not everything - the most important thing is user experience

There's food. You know, it must be tasty — this is the most important feature of our product. But the product itself is not everything. After all, sitting at the table, one does not always talk about food. What is important is what is happening around, that is, the distinguishing feature of our offer does not have to be the taste and in general the product itself. It can be an unusual box that replaces a nicely prepared plate and table in the premises. It can be a lot of discounts for regular customers. And it can also be super fast delivery.

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