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ux thursday

UX Thursday #115

Illustration of a lion in the jungle

Welcome August and with it the latest entry in our Thursday series dedicated to reviewing what's new in the UX world.

A cup of tea in your hand and we wish you a happy reading!

The Art of Choice — About Behavioral Design

For starters, we recommend Article by Marcelo Brum on the importance and application of behavioral design (Eng. design comportamentale). It is a field that integrates psychology and design that focuses on influencing human behavior and decisions. The skillful use of behavioral tools can have a positive impact on the effectiveness of products and services and the effectiveness of communication. What is worth remembering is that users do not always make the best decisions, not because they are not able to, but because it is very difficult for them to escape from cognitive biases.

Accordions — dos and don'ts

Nielsen Norman Group take a workshop and look at the use of accordions on websites, especially those designed for users using desktop versions. Usually accordions are an element of mobile interfaces, so the author of the text questions their effectiveness on computer screens. There are several reasons for this. For example, content hidden in accordions may limit the visibility and availability of information. A better alternative may be to display the full content at once or to use other techniques to shorten and hide the content.

Quick view of the product in the store — is it worth it?

On the Baymard Institute website you can read analysis of the so-called “quick view”, i.e. preview of product details in online stores in the form of a pop-up window that is displayed within the viewed list of products. According to the author, although this function has the potential to reduce shopping time, it often introduces problems with navigation and limits the presentation of products. Many online stores use this feature as a tool to increase sales, but this can lead to frustration for customers (e.g. those who browse products on mobile devices).

Designer ABC's — Login Form

At the very end, short login form interface design guide. This is a key component of many websites and applications, so their design should be intuitive and convenient. The article discusses the most important rules, which for many of you are certainly obvious and familiar. In the text you will also find numerous examples and suggestions that can be helpful in creating effective and user-friendly forms.


In today's corner of knowledge and inspiration we have several sites for you, which have a huge amount of elements to use in projects. We recommend your attention Google Symbol Library, dropdown guide And finally, a set inspiration for creating charts.

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