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ux thursday

UX Thursday #7

Illustration of, laptop, notebook, person reading

In today's edition of UX Thursday, we strongly focus on the graphic aspects of design. There will be a few words about colors (but also lack thereof) and about creating style guides. Together with the researchers of NN Group, we will look at the issue of how to use the footer in the website in a meaningful way. You will also learn a not very cheerful story of a certain redesign, and at the end - a small test for perceptiveness.

Grab another donut and enjoy reading!



1. “Function over form, always”

Designing complex solutions for the internal needs of large enterprises is quite a challenge. Christie Lenneville tells about how modern redesign (lots of white space! Scrolling!) the system, which presented extensive data sets, caused problems for users and had to be discontinued as a result. But more importantly, the article contains a number of tips on how to avoid similar situations.

2. footers 101

(Almost) all stores and websites have a footer. It is treated as an obvious component of the site and, unfortunately, is rarely given due attention. Researchers from the Norman Nielsen Group are looking at this issue with due accuracy and advise, how to ensure that the footer is made as useful as possible for users.

3. Why design (first) without colors?

Should we immediately focus on colors when designing an interface? Anand Satyan in his article argues why it is not worth doing this and what are the benefits of starting design with only black and white.

4. About creating perfect style guides

What should a good style guide look like? What to consist of? Jessica Moon from Telepathy suggests, how to take care of the style guide at the preparation stage, so that it is a useful tool for all those involved in the project.

5. Test your perceptiveness in Can't Unsee

For the most persistent who made it to the end of mom game. Check to see if you have an eye for details! Fun is not just for designers.

We remind you that if you would like to share with us interesting links from the world of UX, send your proposals to newsletter@ideacto.pl, and we will be happy to share them in the next UX Thursdays.

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