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Page analysis - does the page display well in every browser?

Illustration of, laptop, notebook, person reading

We usually use one of our favorite browsers — unless we need to use an alternative one. Apart from browser preferences, our store must present itself well in each of them, without forgetting the mobile, that is, multichannel. And at this point, it is worth opening a box with tools that, as it were, will be able to perform a kind of analysis of the site on their own.

Browser Shots

This is one of the oldest tools for comparing browsers in their different versions. Browser Shots works very simply, because it shows us the screen of our website in views on several popular browsers — including Chrome and Firefox.

Souce Labs

Souce Labs, on the other hand, is a comparison tool tailored to us — we can configure very specifically not only the browser manufacturer, but also the operating system and screen resolution and the mobile version.


A very useful tool that detects potential problems on our site. Browsera allows you to run ABC tests, showing differences between views in browsers, for example, different content layout. In addition, it does not only compare selected subpages, but the entire site. The only pity is that the number of browsers is quite limited - only Firefox, Explorer and Safari.

Cross Browser Testing

In turn, this tool checks all kinds of browsers — from Explorer, Opera, Firefox to Chrome and Safari, to Android. And we can arrange everything in the appropriate configuration with the operating system, screen resolution and see in the form of A/B comparison. An interesting addition in Cross Browser Testing is the possibility of launching a test of a page that is still in the development phase.


In terms of the number of browsers, this tool is a real harvester - it grinds more than 600 versions of different browsers. TestingBot allows you to perform tests both manually and automatically, and from our browser we can control the checked page at will.

Tools in hand!

As you can see, something good for everyone. In the omnichannel world, a site that runs smoothly in one channel looks like a mock-up of an architectural wonder, which on the other hand is a wooden dictation. Testing may take some time, but a website that does not work properly in all conditions is unlikely to keep the audience at home.

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