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ux thursday

UX Thursday #107

Illustration of, laptop, notebook, person reading

April 13 - Scrabble Day 🔤 Celebrated every year to promote the game of Scrabble and raise public awareness of the benefits of playing word puzzles. Scrabble develops logical thinking skills, creativity and improves word-forming abilities. On this occasion, we also want to encourage you to think analytically and stimulate concentration by reviewing today's compilation of articles from the world of UX, in which, among others, about:

➡️ strategies for dealing with creative and professional burnout,

➡️ UX designer's work in a social context,

➡️ methods of conducting design workshops,

➡️ and a few others!

How to deal with professional burnout?

Burnout, creative blockage and accompanying stress are problems that affect everyone, regardless of the positions they hold. They can be caused by various factors: long working hours, neglect of physical or mental condition, obsession with productivity or lack of professional development, so taking care of mental health should be a top priority. Robert Mayer explains in his article, how important it is to be able to find time to relax, exercise regularly, eat right, organize the calendar, learn to say “no” and whenever possible - to distract from work.

Social Design

Rebecca Shapiro makes a thesis in her articlethat the work of a UX designer is in many respects similar to social work. Both social work and UX design are about understanding and supporting people's unique needs. In both cases, success is based on building trust in small steps and avoiding falling into patterns and assumptions about users. The job of designers and social workers is to understand people, their unique needs and motivations, and how to communicate with them.

Design workshop: checklista

Smashing Magazine has prepared a checklist for those who are faced with the challenge of organizing design workshops. From the article you will learn what it is worth starting preparations with, what tools to choose, what should be on the schedule, what stages it is worth dividing the workshop itself into and what to pay attention to after its completion. In addition, you will read about methods and techniques that will ensure interaction and dialogue with all participants.

The most important thing is the contrast

The theme of color contrast in web design is well known. Oliver Schöndorfer in his text emphasizesthat inappropriate contrasts affect the readability and accessibility of the website. The author of the blog Pimp My Type presents various techniques, tools and plugins that can be helpful in correctly determining the appropriate color contrasts on the page. The topic is important because in the absence of adequate contrast, people with visual impairments may have difficulty reading content on a website or in a graphic design.

Knowledge corner

At the very end - a summary of the latest changes and novelties in Figma and must-read list for anyone who deals with UX and UI. Surely many of the listed titles are well known to you, but it is knowledge that is worth refreshing 📚🦉

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