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press office

A duet to de-stress: State Forests and Ideacto

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The State Forests holiday promotional campaign “Relax” has started. Under this slogan there are a number of activities aimed at raising awareness of the dangers arising from everyday stress and pointing to the forest as the best “center for nervous breakdowns”. Wrocław is responsible for the creation and implementation of the campaign interactive agency Ideacto.

The campaign is carried out on a multi-track basis and is aimed mainly at residents of large cities. Its substantive aspect is the extensive report “Stressed Poland” showing when and why we stress and how we should fight stress. At the request of the State Forests, a study was conducted on people from cities with more than 500 thousand inhabitants, on the basis of which the text of the report and an infographic were prepared.

In the Warsaw metro, with the use of promotional billboards, an outdoor campaign is carried out, however, most of the activities take place on the Internet, on the site czaswlas.pl. We will find in it an advertising clip that leaves no doubt why it is worth escaping from the city to the forest and the arcade game “Las Minute”.

The Ideacto agency was responsible for the entire course of the campaign from the concept phase, through all stages of the billboard action, the shooting of the clip, the creation of the game and the development of the report and infographics.

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