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Personal branding that increases sales

Illustration of, laptop, notebook, person reading

There's a shop. There is a shelf in this store, and on it a lot of bottles with drinks in as many colors as the graphic designers did not dream of. It is quite easy to choose the part of drinks that meets our quality requirements, but what will we be guided by next in order to choose this one and only product? Mark. We will pay attention to what we know well or associate with something pleasant or cool. Now let's look at it differently. Each of us is such a drink - each of us is his own brand, which speaks for us about us. How do we make it work effectively for us?

A strong personal brand as a business card

A personal brand is our image — we can work on it, change it, but in essence it must be authentic and consistent with us. Otherwise, it will be caught quickly. The image is created not only by our style, but also by what we have to convey and the way we do it. If all this elegantly harmonizes with the character of our company, then our personal brand can be an additional carrier of its value. A strong brand is one that inspires and motivates. One with which a certain group — the target group — wants to identify. We will never reach everyone, because who would like to listen to a bland message - but if our message stands out positively, then its value will not be the wide circle of those who heard it somewhere, but the faithful recipients.

Personal branding isn't just for celebrities

Of course, the expressiveness of the most important people in the company and the recognition of their personal brands is not something necessary for the company, but it is an additional field in which the brand is present in the public space, and sometimes also elevates this brand to a higher level. Steve Jobs is almost synonymous with Apple, defining the image of Apple as a company obsessed with quality, design and simplicity. Bill Gates is a charitable supporter of science, showing that Microsoft creates tools to improve the world. Mark Zuckerberg promotes a vision of the Internet accessible to all — highlighting Facebook's role in connecting people.

But the examples do not have to be so global — in our local marketing world, very recognizable figures are Paweł Tkaczyk and Michał Sadowski, both from Wrocław. Storytelling and a T-shirt with the symbol of Batman and it is already known that the first of them enters the scene. And although he is the head of the creative agency Midea on a daily basis, his brand has grown high above the company. Almost everyone in the industry has heard of him, and not necessarily about his company. However, with Midea in mind, Tkaczyk's name adds several floors to the brand's attractiveness. Similarly, Michał Sadowski, who, while promoting his personal brand, constantly reminds of the Brand24 agency.

With a personal brand and a company that it becomes the face of, it is a bit like with a solo career of a rock band leader — even if the star of the band recorded a great album, it will continue to be the visiting card of his team, and what a showcase such an image, and what image such a sale.

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