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to know how

UX Researcher — who is he and what does he do?

Illustration of, laptop, notebook, person reading

If you're new to user experience, or UX, you've probably heard of UX.
Researcher. This person is engaged in the broadly understood study of the feelings of users and their
needs. What exactly does he do and what is he responsible for?

UX research — what is it really needed for?

What is the purpose of UX research? This is to check the user experience and determine how
products can be refined to encourage them to respond appropriately. It is also
an essential element in the process of designing solutions and the work of marketers who
allows you to create and give shape to the product. Before deciding on
To launch a product on the market, it is worth contacting real users who
They know what they want from the product. Otherwise, the product will be created on
based on conjecture and may not be good enough.

UX Researcher — what does he do?

UX Researcher is a professional who knows things. Capable handle tools, knows
Methodology and Consumer Issues
, so he can create solutions
of the highest quality. This person should collect as much information as possible about future
users to be able to improve the product being created. So he is engaged in collecting
information using qualitative and quantitative methods. It is aimed at assembly
suitable for further data processing.

The task of the UX researcher is, among others. reduction of production costs and minimization of risks
the occurrence of errors in the digital product.
Researcher allows us to understand both
the app or website, as well as the users themselves. This allows employees to know how
A way to attract more users.

UX researchers are an important part of the team in almost every company. They help to create a website
the visual of the digital product, information architecture and other areas, in turn, the result of their research
It affects the way you communicate with the customer. Nowadays, the whole UX design process becomes
increasingly difficult, because it is problematic to create an innovative solution with
So much competition in the market. Therefore, it is worth relying on the help of professionals who
will tell you what to decide and in which direction to develop a digital product.

UX Researcher — what skills should he have?

UX Researcher must have extensive knowledge in the field of marketing, psychology, economics,
cognitive science, psychology, sociology or computer science. Among the characteristics that distinguish it,
should be found analytical mind and sensitivity to detail. It's good if he knows
soft skills. It is extremely important in this profession to conduct conversations with
customers, empathy and creativity.

A good UX Researcher works effectively with a team, but also independently. His task
is problem solving, which is why it can be found in almost all industries. There is
needed both in the media, marketing agencies, international
businesses as well as banks.

Techniques of actions of UX researchers

UX Researcher is someone who has valuable knowledge of user needs. Musi
have the appropriate specialist knowledge to successfully carry out their tasks.

UX and Design Thinking

Design Thinking is a method of problem solving based on thinking
design. It is a holistic approach that uses user feedback to
Prototyping new ideas. Using this method, employees ask themselves questions:

  • What are the needs of our users?
  • What problems can occur in everyday life for users?
  • What solutions should be offered to users to help them solve the problem?

Once the problem is defined, the UX Researcher begins the search for a solution.
Together with other specialists, they brainstorm, trying to find an answer
to questions and create a prototype of a digital product. Then a group of users test
go. The cycle begins anew, with each subsequent run taking into account the introduction

Decision Mapping

Decision mapping is a method of developing research plans. It consists of several
stages during which UX workers are tasked with responding to needs
stakeholders and end users. In the first step, they define a problem that
They need to be solved through research. They answer the following issues:

  • Why create a product?
  • How will removing problematic functionality affect the product?
  • What must be the product?

In the next step, UX Researcher asks questions, formulates hypotheses and assumptions. IN
when the researchers already know what data can be generated as part of the tasks,
create test exercises.

UX Interview

UX interviews are one-on-one meetings during which the user is asked
questions related to the product or service. Researcher collects data that enables better
understanding the needs and requirements of the user. Interviews may be conducted before

design of the solution or at the end of the tests to be able to assess the level of interaction
usera with the product.


Prototyping is usually one of the first versions of an idea, used to
design a product that can be offered to the consumer. Among the forms
Prototyping is mockups and sketches. This process is essential for UX professionals
to understand the operation of the solution, fix problems before product development and
improving the user experience.

Prototype software

Some of the best known and most commonly used after prototyping tools
are InVision, Adobe XD, Sketch and many others that are used by UX designers and
Usability researchers. These softwares are distinguished by their versatility and allow
creating highly functional prototypes, without incurring unnecessary costs and
wasting time on unnecessary activities. Thanks to them, UX Researcher can observe and evaluate
mobile apps and other digital products in just a few moments.


These are the two basic coding languages — the main means of visualizing the prototype.
Using HTML UX Researcher has the ability to define the entire structure of the site, e.g.
the location of paragraphs, images, and headings that you want to appear on the page. In turn
CSS is responsible for the characteristics of HTML objects, i.e. position, size and colors.

UX Researcher — is his role profitable?

UX research is an ever-evolving field, used and appreciated in
for every enterprise
, which is committed to offering the highest quality products.
Companies aspiring to achieve a stable and high position in the market know how their
products affect users and what reactions they cause

functionality. The success of companies depends, among other things. from conversion, consumer retention
and ranges.

Are you interested in UX research? Want to know more about product design
digital? Check out our
other articles — an extensive knowledge base that will give you
answer to many questions! Need help with a usability audit or
Web analytics?
Apply to us! Together we will find the best for you

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