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4xW for Ideacto

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On the evening of December 8, the Webstars - the prestigious awards of the interactive industry - took place. The competition awards prizes to the best websites in 27 categories. Winning sites receive the Webstar Academy Awards - selected by a panel of 300 industry experts and Webstar Boarding Schools - where the winners are selected by internet users.

The Ideacto agency submitted five projects in four categories to the competition:

  • In the Blog category, a magazine dedicated to the topic of eCommerce Ekomerycznie.pl, whose substantive partner is the agency, has been submitted.
  • In the category House and garden there are two websites SzefBudowy.pl and Domny.pl prepared for the energy concern Energa SA.
  • In the category Child and Family Ideacto was represented by the website Pielegnacjadziecka.pl created for the pharmaceutical concern Almirall.
  • In the category Professional Services a service has been listed Ideacto.com.

Pielegnacjadziecka.pl and Ekomerycznie.pl received the Academy awards given by experts from the interactive industry. Specialists appreciated the professional preparation and the consistency of the project implementation.

The jury of the award also distinguished the websites SzefBudowy.pl and Domny.pl, which received honors in the Home and Garden category.

As a leader in the supply of green energy, the ENERGA Group is also an expert in providing solutions to save energy and other utilities in the home. Since 2010, the company has been offering its customers a package of products and services in the Smart Eco standard, i.e. characterized by efficiency, economy and environmental friendliness. People who build or own their own house are potential partners of the ENERGA Group because of the real benefits that cooperation with an innovative partner can bring them and a rational approach to energy issues in and around the house. Hence the idea of providing websites that really help to get through the planning period and the realization of the construction of your own house. The distinction of the Szefbudowy.pl and Domny.pl websites, which are elements of the Ekooszeczdni.pl project, is proof that we managed to create practical and valuable tools that were appreciated by professionals. — says Jarosław Kozłowski, Head of Brand Management Department at ENERGA SA

The good result achieved in the competition is the result of the successful development of IDEAACTO, which in the last two years has transformed from a consulting company into an interactive agency specializing in e-business solutions.

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