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to know how

Is it worth investing in application design?

Illustration of, laptop, notebook, person reading

The youth of today! Nothing, just sitting in front of that computer or with their nose in that smartphone, like hunched moles. And they have everything on the tray, they don't want it. This is how it looks from the perspective of a grandmother on the bench in front of the block. Meanwhile, the world has always been driven by the ideas and energy of the young. Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook in college — in his dorm room. He later became one of the youngest billionaires in the world.

Well, the world in which anyone can create and publish something is like a closet that we open and a pile of things — more or less cheesy — pours on us. But when we are trying to dig ourselves out, suddenly a rare diamond falls into our hands, waiting to be grinded — this diamond and its creator are often worth millions in the world of mobile applications — you just have to recognize them correctly and invest in their development.

Flashing app

Five App is a gesture-based messenger. When the idea appeared in the head of Mateusz Mach, then a high school student, it was supposed to be an application aimed at his peers - or rather homies - from the hip-hop community. However, it turned out that the application can go out to a much wider group around the world, and it can even turn from an application into a tool to help deaf people, who often have difficulty reading and writing because they cannot hear their inner voice. The first version of Five App allowed you to model your own gestures on the basis of a virtual hand and save them. Now, however, the application has gone even further towards the hearing impaired and allows you to create entire animations from gestures and mines, which often change the whole meaning of speech.

Five App's potential was appreciated by investors, whose offers were valued at PLN 2 million.

Spontaneous meeting

The second application confirms that the best ideas are those that arise from a sudden need. How do you fill a window in college classes? Preferably coffee with friends. So once a student sent an invitation to her friends, but no one was around. She drank coffee alone and went to class, where she met a buddy — who was also drinking coffee himself, just one floor down. And then the idea for an application came to Karolina Demianchuk's head, thanks to which we can quickly make an appointment. She checked that an interesting niche was created in this place on the market, gathered a team of eager friends (graphic designers, programmers) and together with them, after a year of work, Spontime appeared.

However, it turned out that in Poland it is difficult to find investors who do not like uncertain investments. For this, quite a few people were abroad, and Karolina's team chose an investor from Sweden. Currently, the application is valued at $3 million.

E-commerce Applications

And how are the applications in the E-commerce market and is it worth investing in them? Mobile applications and websites are distinguished by simplicity — the uncomplicated layout of several main icons, which we move with one finger — and speed of operation — we have everything listed on a tray. Not too simple? Let's look at the largest shopping service in Poland — Allegro. One would assume that wanting to check everything thoroughly, hardly anyone will be interested in such a simplified form of shopping. And meanwhile, the Allegro icon already adorns several million smartphones. The obvious obvious is the brand recognition factor, but it shows a one-way trend in the development of the application industry — we are more and more comfortable and run faster, so simple and pretty apps become a natural environment.

Supporting the development of such applications at the beginning of their operation is like looking for gold with your hands in a river full of piranhas, so it is not just a random hit, because not everything is gold that shines. As in any industry, an idea is important that fills a certain niche and at the same time perfectly meets the needs of the audience. A pinch of faith in Polish artists will not hurt either.

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