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Profitable Shop from Ideacto

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The consulting agency Ideacto has created an offer to improve usability for small and medium-sized online stores.

The idea is based on focusing attention on the most important areas of the website and formatting the research in such a way that the process itself is repeatable. Dedicated improvement design and design workshops were abandoned in favor of concise recommendations. This allows you to reduce the cost of the study to a minimum, while providing the customer with valuable tips to improve their online store. Importantly, corrections are prepared in a form ready to be handed over to the programmer and the graphic designer.

By conducting a survey, the customer learns about the problems that his service causes to users. This allows you to eliminate the most problematic situations for customers and, as a result, increase conversion and customer satisfaction.

For a long time, one of my ideas for popularizing usability in Poland was to create a cheap package of basic usability studies. For several months, Ideacto has been conducting various kinds of trials in this regard. After serving the first customers and getting to know the first opinions of the market, we are increasingly convinced that we can offer smaller customers an interesting package to improve the effectiveness of their eBusiness. — says Tomasz Karwatka, partner at Ideacto.

A standard report consists of elements such as: UX audit, List of functional recommendations, Recommendations for graphic designer, Recommendations for developer, Marketing recommendations. Research is available from PLN 3,000 net.

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