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ux thursday

UX Thursday #118

Illustration of an end of the road, autumn landscape

Extremely warm weather distracts attention from the fact that it is already autumn. As much as we encourage you to spend time outdoors, take advantage of the beautiful weather and take walks, we also highly recommend today's edition of UX Thursday, in which you will read about:

  • mobile-first approach to design,
  • verification of design assumptions in studies with users,
  • Pitfalls in business strategy.


... is an approach in design that prioritizes the creation of views for mobile devices — even before the design is adapted to larger screens. The increasingly dynamic growth of internet use on mobile devices has made this approach essential in order to reach a wider range of users. IN Article published by Design Studio describes the concepts underlying the mobile-first approach (RWD, AWD) and indicates best practices, such as prioritizing content or creating intuitive navigation.

Verification of assumptions

An integral part of the product or service design process should be user research, which is crucial in understanding the needs and challenges facing them. The conclusions of the research can be a good foundation for the ideation stage, where a variety of ideas are generated that solve the detected problems. In the text”Unleashing Creativity: Where Research Meets Ideas” describes helpful sources and techniques that allow you to organize the flow of creativity and the design process so that the best solution can be found from the available data.

More harm than good

Article published on the UX Collective blog raises the issue of the paradox of health apps, which can sometimes do more harm than help. Designed to improve our mental and physical health, they do not always respond appropriately to the real emotions that accompany us because they do not read them, which can lead to frustration and increased stress. The author of the article wonders if advanced technologies and AI can somehow solve this problem?

In the snares of strategy

Lack of consistent leadership and support within the organization, ignoring trends, resisting change, misunderstanding local markets in the context of global activities — these are some of the listed in article on UX Magazine pitfalls that companies can fall into that, when defining their business strategy, are not ready for continuous growth and evolution. The business landscape is changing and presents entrepreneurs with new challenges that are inherent in the development of the organization, for which you also need to be prepared.

Designer's Guide

Finally, we have for you a comprehensive and thorough itinerary, which will take you through all the nooks and crannies of chip design elements in design systems.

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